Māori ECE | Early Childhood Education Support
Art Studio
Monday’s Term 1 2025*
12.00pm - 2.00pm
Far North REAP, Kukupa Room
33 Puckey Avenue, Kaitaia
Age Groups: 2 - 4 years | 5 - 7 years | 8 - 11+ years
Come along and join in the fun - ALL WELCOME
*Please note: There is NO Art Studio on Monday 17 March 2025
Professional Development
About our service
Our Early Childhood Education team deliver a range of programmes and support to early childhood teachers, children, parents and whanāu in the following ways:
Early Childhood teachers and Kōhanga Reo kaiako are supported with subsidised, quality, locally situated Professional Learning and Development.
Parents and whānau have greater understanding of early learning services available.
Isolated support for ECE i.e., Playgroups and Puna Reo
A sustainable healthy environment/taiao where children learn:
to love the environment by playing in nature based outdoor areas
to cultivate food
about waste management and reducing waste
Collaboration between health services, social services, and early childhood services/ kōhanga reo is supported.
Ka Hikitia –Māori enjoying and achieving educational success as Māori.
Child centered learning is available in early learning settings including music, dance and art.
Transition to school support for early learning services and children.